Klinik für Innere Medizin

Budesonide 9 mg is at least as effective as mesalamine 4.5 g in patients with mildly to moderately active Crohn's disease.
Tromm A, Bunganic I, Tomsová E, Tulassay Z, Lukáš M, Kykal J, Bátovský M, Fixa B, Gabalec L, Safadi R, Kramm HJ, Altorjay I, Löhr H, Koutroubakis I, Bar-Meir S, Stimac D, Schäffeler E, Glasmacher C, Dilger K, Mohrbacher R, Greinwald R; International Budenofalk Study Group.
Gastroenterology. 2011 Feb;140(2):425-434.e1; quiz e13-4. Epub 2010 Nov 9.
PMID: 21070781 [PubMed - in process]
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Clinical trial: a novel high-dose 1 g mesalamine suppository (Salofalk) once daily is as efficacious as a 500-mg suppository thrice daily in active ulcerative proctitis.
Andus T, Kocjan A, Müser M, Baranovsky A, Mikhailova TL, Zvyagintseva TD, Dorofeyev AE, Lozynskyy YS, Cascorbi I, Stolte M, Vieth M, Dilger K, Mohrbacher R, Greinwald R; International Salofalk Suppository OD Study Group.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2010 Nov;16(11):1947-56.
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Long-term response of primary biliary cirrhosis (stage I) to therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid.
Tromm A, May B, Klein CG, Klein R, Fisseler-Eckhoff A, Griga T.
Hepatogastroenterology. 2005 May-Jun;52(63):753-6.
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The G2964A polymorphism of the STAT6 gene in inflammatory bowel disease.
Klein W, Tromm A, Folwaczny C, Hagedorn M, Duerig N, Epplen J, Schmiegel W, Griga T.
Dig Liver Dis. 2005 Mar;37(3):159-61. Epub 2004 Dec 9.
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A polymorphism of the bactericidal/permeability increasing protein (BPI) gene is associated with Crohn's disease.
Klein W, Tromm A, Folwaczny C, Hagedorn M, Duerig N, Epplen J, Schmiegel W, Griga T.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2005 Apr;39(4):282-3.
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The probiotic E. coli strain Nissle 1917 for the treatment of collagenous colitis: first results of an open-label trial.
Tromm A, Niewerth U, Khoury M, Baestlein E, Wilhelms G, Schulze J, Stolte M.
Z Gastroenterol. 2004 May;42(5):365-9.
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Collagenous colitis: implications for the role of vascular endothelial growth factor in repair mechanisms.
Griga T, Tromm A, Schmiegel W, Pfisterer O, Müller KM, Brasch F.
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004 Apr;16(4):397-402.
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A polymorphism of the NFKBIA gene is associated with Crohn's disease patients lacking a predisposing allele of the CARD15 gene.
Klein W, Tromm A, Folwaczny C, Hagedorn M, Duerig N, Epplen JT, Schmiegel WH, Griga T.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2004 Mar;19(2):153-6. Epub 2003 Sep 13.
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Interaction of polymorphisms in the CARD15 and CD14 genes in patients with Crohn disease.
Klein W, Tromm A, Griga T, Folwaczny C, Hocke M, Eitner K, Marx M, Duerig N, Epplen JT.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2003 Aug;38(8):834-6.
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[Kyphoscoliosis as a cause of pulmonary hypertension].
Schröder A, Schumacher T, Tromm A.
Med Klin (Munich). 2003 Feb 15;98(2):100-3. German.
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A polymorphism in the IL11 gene is associated with ulcerative colitis.
Klein W, Tromm A, Griga T, Fricke H, Folwaczny C, Hocke M, Eitner K, Marx M, Duerig N, Epplen JT.
Genes Immun. 2002 Dec;3(8):494-6.
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Budesonide treatment for collagenous colitis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial.
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[Peptic stenosis, motility disorder or carcinoma. What is ate the bottom of dysphagia?].
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A polymorphism in the CD14 gene is associated with Crohn disease.
Klein W, Tromm A, Griga T, Fricke H, Folwaczny C, Hocke M, Eitner K, Marx M, Duerig N, Epplen JT.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2002 Feb;37(2):189-91.
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[Association of primary sclerosing cholangitis and sarcoidosis].
Scherr B, Tromm A, Voigt E, Müller KM, Griga T.
Med Klin (Munich). 2001 Sep 15;96(9):550-4. German.
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Klein W, Tromm A, Griga T, Fricke H, Folwaczny C, Hocke M, Eitner K, Marx M, Duerig N, Epplen JT.
Genes Immun. 2001 Aug;2(5):287-9.
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Tromm A, Möllmann H, Barth J, Hochhaus G, Krieg M, Bigalke C, Möllmann A, Derendorf H.
J Clin Pharmacol. 2001 May;41(5):536-41.
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The IL-10 gene is not involved in the predisposition to inflammatory bowel disease.
Klein W, Tromm A, Griga T, Fricke H, Folwaczny C, Hocke M, Eitner K, Marx M, Runte M, Epplen JT.
Electrophoresis. 2000 Nov;21(17):3578-82.
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Cutaneous manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease.
Tromm A, May D, Almus E, Voigt E, Greving I, Schwegler U, Griga T.
Z Gastroenterol. 2001 Feb;39(2):137-44.
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Klein W, Tromm A, Griga T, Fricke H, Folwaczny C, Hocke M, Eitner K, Marx M, Epplen JT.
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2001 Jan;13(1):45-7.
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Griga T, Hebler U, Voigt E, Tromm A, May B.
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Griga T, Tromm A, Müller KM, May B.
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2000 May;12(5):559-64.
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Tromm A, Griga T, Greving I, Hilden H, Hüppe D, Schwegler U, Micklefield GH, May B.
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Tromm A, Greving I, Griga T, Mankel K, Hüppe D.
Z Gastroenterol. 2000 Feb;38(2):159-64.
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Griga T, Tromm A, Spranger J, May B.
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